Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Poop update

lets see...
sheep gone
chickens..gone too,, something ate them!
cows.. Free to roam poop all over the place
horses... Still in paddock..Shit contained
pigs... ahhh well thats another story
donkeys.... yup ..poop...yup, but not at my house
and that's the poop scoop for today
Shawn and Allison got married on the 22 of October, which is why I haven't been here in a while.
now I have to meet the school bus and pick up Sammi,
so I have to go..
tomorrow hopefully I'll get here earlier and be able to write more

Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Trouble Of Safety Pins

Well it is trouble if they come undone. That will teach me for not getting out my sewing box and just putting on the button.

Poop update...
Sheep..... Gone!
Chickens ..Are still free range and pooping on my front door
Rabbits...Are still free range and pooping in my yard and anywhere else they can.
Cows ...Are down in the lower field ..Thank God..No poop unless I go there
Dog...All over the place..And poop on my back door step.. Sammi has work to do their.
Horses..... All in their paddock..Except for the pile Tucker left in my drive when Sammi rode through the yard.
With all the poop around I am getting very good at doing a quick step ha ha ha

Thats all for today


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Thanksgiving is almost here

I think I am loosing my eyesight...Well things are definitely blurry around here, or maybe I just need to clean my glasses occasionally???? That would do it you think? yup, 'twill do it ...duuuuh ( as my daughter says hee hee)
I haven't been here in awhile... Don't know why, lazy I guess. I don't suppose it matters too much as no one reads this but me...'tis a good thing I think.
Well lets see what's been happening since I last stopped by.
Sammi has her horse back from training..Tucker, is still a bit spooky but she is able to ride at last. The trainer really wanted to buy Tucker, or at least trade horses for a while as Sammi is an inexperienced rider..I think she should have, but Don gave her the choice, and she wanted her own horse back..So there you go.
its pretty here now ,cool in the mornings and nice and sunny afternoons..Much better than all that heat we had in August. Not that we had very much summer, we didn't , I just don't like heat.
Health wise it doesn't look like I will be going back to work anytime soon..(did I mention that before? Going back part time to work? Well I have been thinking about it) The Doc tells me I have arthritis in my lower back, I'm hobbling around now that its colder weather..
Well I think I am going to play around with my blog for awhile, change stuff etc. So I'll post this and get going now.