Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Trouble Of Safety Pins

Well it is trouble if they come undone. That will teach me for not getting out my sewing box and just putting on the button.

Poop update...
Sheep..... Gone!
Chickens ..Are still free range and pooping on my front door
Rabbits...Are still free range and pooping in my yard and anywhere else they can.
Cows ...Are down in the lower field ..Thank God..No poop unless I go there
Dog...All over the place..And poop on my back door step.. Sammi has work to do their.
Horses..... All in their paddock..Except for the pile Tucker left in my drive when Sammi rode through the yard.
With all the poop around I am getting very good at doing a quick step ha ha ha

Thats all for today


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