Saturday, October 21, 2006

Back again

Ha! I found my way back
Current mood: cheerful

Well not much news, even after being gone so long.

Besides the move I have been diagnosed with Diabetes, and have finally gone in for that cat- scan on my back, I get the results of that on Monday (finally! a year and ½ after I first went to the Doc. for unmanagable back pain) the Diabetes is not under control & although I don't have to take shots yet, I do have to take 3 different kinds of pills (plus the ones for my back) nothing but a drug store around here ha ha ha.

Well enough of that, maybe all this will help me loose that 50 pounds I've put on since leaving the work place. Which, let me tell you I MISS!

Don being back to log home building is gone lots and Sammy is never home what with school and work. That leaves just me and myself , well, and my books, AND at last my computer. Hey I finally have high speed Internet again! Yahoo!

We've had to put a lot into storage as this suite is so small, but we are comfortable and it has a nice view, all in all I am happy. I am planning on socking away a lot of money for Sammy 's college fund. And I am planning on paying her in monthly checks rather than one lump sum, ( hee hee I did learn something from the other two after all). Don is making almost triple what he did at the ranch, money makes the world go round, right?

Shawn my son has moved back to BC, although not to Merritt & they are still closer than Alberta anyway. My little granddaughter Samantha who is 2 is sure bossing him around lol, and he just laughs and says, "What can I do".

Sarah quit her job and took an evening one which gives her days at home so she doesn't need a babysitter, as Darin is home in the evenings. It seems to be working out well for them.

We kept the Dog, Spook with us and she is adjusting, slowly I admit, but Don takes her with him when he can. The horse Tucker is farmed out to the Douglas Lake ranch for the winter and the cowboys will ride him, if they like him and he works out as a cowpony they will buy him. Now what we will do with that new western show saddle we just bought Sam I am not sure, probably sell that to. Oh well more money for Sams college fund, I know from experience she'll need lots of money the first year, She has to furnish an apartment and there is the utilities etc. hopefully her friend will share expenses with her. Sam's goals have changed, she now is taking languages, French English and Spanish, and she wants to be an airline hostess for a couple of years and then go in to translating. So she will end up a city girl I guess. lol

So that's it..2 plus months of not being here and not much to say …I'm just boring, I guess.

Hope everyone is well and happy !


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