Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Flying down the Old Dirt Road

Flying down the old Dirt Road at high speed, well not realy , but soon they will be , thank you very much as they have finally finished re pounding and re- graveling ( is there such a word) the road that runs through the Ranch. Seeing as its just a easment they will not pave it, and that my friends , in my oppinion, is a good thing, as I said the people who use it to cut through to Sunshine Valley Road West travel way and far to fast . We already lost our cat to hit and pause ( no stopping for that driver) it was right in front of Sammi too, the cat died in her arms as she was running to us for help. Can't you just see the speeds they'd reach if it was paved.
Well I got the last of my plants into the ground..finally lol..me and my brown thumb , I am holding my breath to see if they take and I have any sort of a garden at all for the wedding.
Yep, my second child is getting married June 17 this year, and enough of that, I talk way to much about the wedding all the time. I will try and keep this space wedding free hee hee hee.
The baby is still sleeping and has been down for at least 3 hours I think..thereabouts, I wonder if I should wake her..its been so long since I looked after a baby..I kinda forgett..
well should I do the usual poop scoop? yeah...I just have to and besides no one but me reads this blog anyway ha ha ha
POOP SCOOP May 30th 2006....
Horse is gone until August, so no poop there
Dog is still at it all over the yard too.
One cat left "Chong" ( Cheech was killed by somthing) and the Chong is at it in my garden as usuall, today I put up chicken wire and I'll have to get Don to staple it in so it stays.
chickens are gone..no poop
rabbits have multiplyed and 22 more were bought home as well that means we have rabbit ball poop all over the yard to.. (I hope the chicken wire keeps the rabbits away from the flowers to)

aaakk...baby poop..she is awake gotta go now

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