Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Cows got out of their field today

The "babies" got out again. For some reason the orphans seem to think my yard is better than their fields are. They every so often push down the barb wire gate and get through to my yard. That isn't so bad ( they eat the grass and I don't have to mow) but its what they leave behind, large "pies" . Ranch life has given me a phobia about animal poo!
We really must get the wooden gate up soon
Tucker ( Sam's horse) is away being trained, and wont be back until probably September sometime. Sam is sad, but fast recovering with new boyfriend John. Oh to be 15 again hee hee hee.
Hospital for me tonight, I had an overnight sleep test to do. This Sleep Apnea stuff is the pits.

1 comment:

Leesa said...

I know how you feel. The horses break out every now and then, they just want the grass in the yard!! Not so bad if they eat it, but they never want to go back into their area. They ALSO fill my yard with horse poop, add that to the bear poop we've got out there and the yard is a mine field!