Saturday, July 02, 2005

long weekend

I did my hospital thing... Don't know what it will show and wont for 4 to 8 weeks. They will probably just say use your C-pap machine ( and if you just make a little oops it becomes " C-rap Machine" hee hee hee)
They finally brought in the hay 80 acres that they think will self combust .. So they put it out in the sorting corrals, why there I don't know..Handy to water???
they are going to cut the bottom fields today .
We went to see Tucker ( Sam's horse) last night . He has a rope burn on his foot, but otherwise seems OK. Tomorrow they are starting the wagon. What I mean is they are training him to pull a wagon. Ha ha ha.
My mother and father-in-law are here for the long weekend. Mom looks so much better than the last time I saw her. ( they are in their 80's) well she is up so I'll go for a while,not much time to post while they are here.


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