Monday, July 11, 2005

Puppy News

We have a new puppy, A border collie ( black and white) , female, and "we" don't have her , my daughter has a new puppy, she tells us, ha ha ha. Seeing as how she is taking all the care and feeding of it I guess she can have it. She ( Sammy) is calling the puppy "Spook" because its a jumpy little thing of only 5 weeks old.
It is pure bred although we have no papers. Working dog parents, they don't seem to worry about papers , I guess if it was a show dog they would , Anyway it should be a good one for what we want, if we get the proper training for it.

its still raining on and off, and only one more field to bring in ( for hay )
mosquito's are really bad this year I am eaten alive, and they are swelling up like bee stings. Anyone know what I can do to stop the itch? I am scratching the skin of my self and leaving sore spots .Ugh!! (( not that anyone will read this to give advice anyway hee hee))
Well I am finally starting to pack . The New home is almost ready so as of next month we will be living on the ranch full time. Hubby is really excited, Me? Well I guess I can get used to chicken shit at my front door. I'll have to get myself one of those metal shoe scrapers that you lay down like a door mat. There is one there but I am sure the ranch manager will take it to his New home , I would!
Don ( hubby) has been putting in long hours and hasn't had a day off in ages. An hour here or there as he "needs it" .I'd be going nuts about now if it was me, he still loves it , even irrigating the fields.

Now get this! the Ranch managers wife makes homemade cookies ( well so do I !) But she makes them crunchy and hard NOT soft and chewy. AND she makes Oatmeal ones NOT Chock.Chip! AND she has all three ( did you get that! 3 !) cookie jars full and they never run out! 3 different types of hard crunchy oatmeal!
I told him I'm not the Ranch Managers Wife and to eat her cookies I'll make some when I get around to it. I went out and bought some..He refused them ...Then I made some ..And they're not hard enough....My daughter Sarah came and made 4 dozen peanut butter ones, ..NOT Oatmeal he said.... I haven't made any since. I'm beginning to think Ranch life for me means "in the Kitchen Woman!"
I'll be packing and painting over the next few months , so I won't be posting as much, but I'll try and post enough so you know I'm at least alive ha ha.
I'll post a photo of the puppy when I get the scanner hooked up.
see you soon
bye from "Wife on cookie strike" ha ha ha

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