Saturday, July 16, 2005

Still Packing

I am still filling those boxes up . Its a never ending job, but for the last time I hope ha ha.
My Mother and father in law stopped by on their way home from Saskatoon. And My sister and brother in law will be here tomorrow.
The Merritt Mountain Music festival has brought in thousands and thousands of people to our little one street town. Hee hee hee.. We went into town today and there was my husband in his boots and well used ( and I do mean well used, it needs to be thrown away!) cowboy hat. This young tourist dressed to kill in new hat and boots says with a "big" drawl..Howdy partner..My hubby says in his best refined voice Hello, nice to see you. ha ha ha you should have seen the young mans face. MY hubby looked like he just crawled out of the bush somewhere , I guess you just had to be there it was so funny.
The puppy is growing like a weed, the kitten to, ( matter of fact so are my grand kids) .
(sigh..I am too only its out not up ha ha ha)

well I don't really have anything new yet to write about so I guess I go to bed. I have been sleeping all through the night lately so I guess the c-pap machine is working. Thank God, I was getting to be a total wreck.

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