Thursday, July 28, 2005

Still haven't moved!

Photo of Hubby's grandparents in the sunflower fields somewhere in Saskatchewan. Canada, around the 1940's.

Can you believe this! Someone forgot to have the hydro ( electric power) pole certified, so now hydro won't hook up until the pole is capped and then it will be another 5 to 10 days for them to inspect it and hook it up. To top it off the final inspection of the house failed because the hydro was not hooked up ??? Delays delays and more delays. My daughter and her family are sick of us I am sure.

we had the telephone switched to the new place then had to switch it back and now telus is on strike!

I wonder if this is an omen? LOL Oh well it means I have the internet for a few more days anyway.
Spook ( the puppy) is growing like a weed and has taken to herding the cats. Its a good thing our male cat is so easy going. He just lays down and lets the dog sit on it if you can believe it. The smaller kitten runs like mad and usually gets away, but not always and if caught hisses and uses her claws, the puppy looks so hurt at this I just have to laugh, and then she sulks ( the puppy).
Its been a year since I quit work to follow Don here, well it will be at the end of July.
Don is still loving it and the ranch manager keeps telling him he is retiring and Don will be the manager from now on LOL, ( there is only the two of them and the boss so it doesn't really matter who manages or not ) Don says he doesn't have time to manage anything , too much repair and upkeep to catch up on , so he better not retire or the boss will have to hire someone new. All in fun of course.
They are missing two young heffers from the range, have been looking for them 2 days now. ( note: someone told them they had seen a truck and trailer up there driven by 2 native men last week, so the heffers could be long gone )

They brought in 90 large round bales from the river field, ( that's good ) and hopefully they can get at least one more cut and a growth which they leave on for when the cattle get back in the fall. All the fields are done now and on the second growth, which is not good, the rain slowed everything down , usually they have the second cut done by now.

I still haven't made any oatmeal cookies, or any cookies for that matter. I think I will soon its been long enough LOL
so this is my boring life ha ha, well to you it might be , but its not so bad for me anymore..
(( hey did you notice in this post I didn't mention "shit" (chicken, cow , or horse, ) of any kind. Things must be looking up, or I am now used to it . ))

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