Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Alone at last!

I have been swamped with visitors over the long weekend.
I didn't get any packing done at all, but I have to say I did enjoy the company.

My back is still not good, hobbling around with a cane most of the time.
The good news is that the C-pap machine seems to be working , I have much more energy that a few months ago.
Everyone has either gone out or gone home, I am , at last, alone...At least for a few hours ..And although I need to catch up on laundry, here I am on the computer.
That is one great thing about being retired ha ha ha...I don't have to get things done within a certain time frame..I have forever to get to the laundry.

All but one kitten are gone..Sammi wanted one so I said yes, but don't you know it is female...
I never got to go to my nieces wedding on Sat. I had loads of guests and Sarah my driver ( eldest daughter) had to work. I must remember to send them something nice,
I was going to give money for the honeymoon and right up to the last minute I thought I'd get there. I feel so guilty.....
I am so blue in this post I think I'll quit for now
later I'll get back to what's happening on the ranch ..

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