Saturday, June 10, 2006

Its a good thing I wasn't wearing eye makeup

Yeah, I was crying, things are catching up to me, and for once I couldn't find anything to laugh about. My house is untidy and has cobwebs and fingerprints all over., It seems like everything has to wait until the last min. To cook or make, and almost everyone who said they were coming early have found something other to do leaving me alone with a 2 year old. WAAAAAA..WAAAA
And then how much of everything do I need, like if I am making potato salad, for 80 to 90 guests how many potatoes how many eggs???? I finally stopped panicking and got on the internet and typed in quantity cooking...Oh wonderful, wonderful site! It even has a recipe converter to convert my reg. Recipe's to amounts needed YES!! Smiling today!! Oh yes I am. And wonders of wonders Sarah and Darin have both been able to get away early and are coming Monday night..More smiles from me...Rose will come on Wednesday and that will be enough help in my small kitchen anyway.
I must take photos lol, before and after...Just so you can see how gray haired I have become. I have always laughed easy and cried easy, but not the type to totally panic like that..You'd think I have to make dinner for the Queen or something ha ha ha..
Well time to go , no time to sit ...I'll rest later when its all over. One week and counting..
talk to you all then.
PS I am not writing any emails lately , I just don't have time, I hope you all think to check my blogg now and again, if not , well we will catch up later I guess
bye Wa.

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