Sunday, June 11, 2006

Thunder, lighting & wind and the baby laughed

The Thunder roared and lightning flashed and the rain came down in buckets..The wind picked up and soon small things were flying through the air and worried about my hanging baskets I went out onto the deck. I hate thunder storms usually , but baby Sammi followed me outside and was so enthused by it all I actually enjoyed it . Especially when she put out her arms like she was going to fly away in the wind ha ha ha. Hair blowing all around her and arms out streached she ran around the porch in the wind and rain barefooted ..Squealing in delight, how could you not have fun yourself!! Both of us were totally soaked and cold when we came back inside, hot chocolate to warm us and we cuddled on the couch to watch the rest of the storm go by.

Today I took off, as you can tell, no wedding planning or cooking or cleaning or anything else. Both Don and I sat around and enjoyed the day, and the baby. Life is good ! And I should take peoples advice more often and relax, things will happen as they will , and in the long run, however it goes they will get married on Sat the 17th of June,2006.
((We did however ,thinking back, order the buns from the bakery and also order them pre-sliced, that will save me a little time. We were in town and luckily remembered, I have been trying to order them for a while now but keep forgetting))

Our guest list is now at around 75 give or take a few..Almost doubled from where we started at around 40 guests hee hee hee, and I have to admit its not all Sarah and Darin mostly its been thinking of the neighbors and inviting them , and a few friends of Sams etc.

Sarah is getting her hair cut tomorrow morning so wont be here until the afternoon or later. We will both sit down on Tuesday and plan out our week.. And how we will put the decorations into the yard. Darin is going hunting ha ha ha, we will see, I have so many plans, & things for a young strong man to do, and Don is getting tired of me asking him to do things, he will so enjoy Darin being here all week. ha ha ha
bye for now, more later

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