Sunday, June 25, 2006


Children ..Yup I have a few and what can you do with them hey? I cant seem to get it right, Im either to strict or not strict enough. You'd think by the time they are out of high school they'd be ok and know right from wrong, well I guess we never learn. The 2 oldest are still working on getting it right and my youngest at 16 is telling me her world is OK but at the same time in subtle ways letting me know she is very mixed up . I worry about her so much, there are so many pitfalls, drinking, drugs, sex, all things I can only tell her about what NOT to do and then I come across as an asshole parent who knows nothing about life nowadays. !
Yeah well kids put us through the wringer there is no doubt about that is there.
So I wonder how she'd feel if I put my foot down and said ...
NO to parties,
No to staying over at friends
No to drinking
NO to all the stuff she tells me her friends have permission to do.
Its the drinking and parties that are getting to me. I was being "cool" parent and letting her go thinking that she was having a wine cooler or two, but now I find that she has been drinking 26ers as she calls it.
Its like Ive said OK you can do anything you want this summer!! How am I going to take that back and stop her from drinking? I think Ive created a monster of a problem..if I continue to let it happen I'm no damn good as a parent, when I stop her, I'll be a bitch , and a rotten parent..I know I know you cant be friends with your kids until they are out of there teen years..I honestly thought a few drinks would teach her how to handle herself for when she goes to college and is out on her own, a year from now. Parents were supposed to be there at these parties, now I am beginning to think they weren't, well at least at the last few. I've let her run free the past 3 or 4 months and am so worried I have done wrong. I wonder if all these other parents know the kids are drinking so heavily?
..Lord if she reads this she would probably yell at me.
I didn't let my eldest daughter go to parties, so she would stay at friends and sneak out. I found that out later. My youngest , well, I was trying to hit a middle ground. Something I now think is impossible.
Anyway however you look at it , at 16-( almost 17 she tells me) years old, a half a 26 of Malibu ( whatever that is) that she drank at the party on Friday night ...its too much!

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