Photo ( right ) of Sammy she's 16 ( almost 40 ha ha)

So...Things are better, I have had a couple of talks to Sammy, and I am sure we understand one another. I understand this is her last year of high school, and 1/2 her friends Graduated this year. That there will be parties all summer long, to say good bye to those moving on and those looking forward to their Grad next year. So I am not stopping the parties, I set limits and also will pick her up as much as I can so she isn't out all hours of the night. This I hope will stop the heavy drinking just because I am coming to get her. Yeah you are right, ha ha I hate to fight. Anyway one party a weekend, work comes first, and I will pick her up & She still gets to go out.
We will try it for a while and see how it goes. I'm guessing as most of them work weekends the parties will switch to weekday nights. ha ha ha..I'm not that old that I don't remember partying Sammy, I'll still come and get you. Anyway she broke up with her boyfriend a little while ago, a nice kid named Ryan, I am sure its because he is moving away for work and she is terrified of being hurt again if he finds someone else while he is away. ( she had a boyfriend who cheated on her 3 or 4 times she says) I am worried that as soon as she starts to feel to close to someone she breaks up and starts to date someone else so she wont get hurt.. she says no but ....well I know what the cheating thing feels like and it takes a long time to regain the trust let me tell you.. anyway enough of that she has to work it out by herself...its just ...well...POOR Boys!!
On the home front..Well..I'm stressed out a little on that, but I think it will work out to. Don's just burnt out from haying over 300 acres in 15 days with no time off and dawn to dusk. I would be to. Anyway if you want to know what I'm talking about I posted it on MY Space Blog at
I haven't been watering the lawn since the wedding and in 15 days it has gone dead! I guess having a nice green lawn takes effort and water. I keep reminding myself to get out there and water, but when the evening comes and its time to put it on, I have forgotten all about it. Its a good thing the wedding was last month that's all I can say. I have managed to keep the flowers blooming , which, with my brown thumb is amazing let me tell you! Talking about keeping things alive,The cherries are almost ripe and I'll have to can them soon, I am thinking of taking the stove out of the motor home and doing it outside so it won't heat up my house anymore than it is. Its an oven all by itself let me tell you, so hot here. Canning outside is Something to think on anyway, OR I could just do it in the motor home , it has air conditioning to.. YUMMY Cherries my favorite time of year. Our tree has those little red ones although my favorite cherry is the big black-red ones "Bing" cherries. I stopped at a roadside sale and bought some today, so you know what I am doing right now , right hee hee?
Cherry pie if it wasn't so hot I'd make one, I like those to. ha ha..
So I want to loose a few pounds and what do I do ? Think , talk , and buy Cherries, pies and ice cream..Yeah well maybe next year I'll be thinner.. I wonder if there is such a thing as Cherry cobbler, or brown Betty type thing??? hummm I think I am off recipe hunting , catch you
later folks, bye
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