Monday, July 03, 2006

Running air through your fingers

Its that time of year again, yup Tourist season. The Merritt Mountain Music Fest is a little more than a week away and people are already in town so they can get a good campsite up there on the festival Grounds.
You can tell the tourists as you drive along, Most likely they are wearing some type of colored (pink ) or sparkling cowboy hats and /or they have their hand out side the car window playing with the air as they drive by. It looks like they are waving at you, ((And sometimes I wave back just because I can ha ha ha)). They move there fingers like they are doing hand exercises and wave there arm up and down from the elbow, kind of a lazy , flowing motion that lets the dry hot air flow over their hands and through their fingers. How do I know this, well, I hate to admit it ,but, way back when, I was a tourist to the area to!!! And YUP you guessed it I got great enjoyment from feeling the strangeness of the dry , silken air rushing through and around my hand here in the Thompson, Okanagan Area. Still it brings a smile to my face when I see it, and the thought "tourist" passes through my mind. I love tourist season, everyone is so friendly and happy when on holiday (( well most everyone, there are those few that nothing seems to make them happy )) Anyway I try to be as friendly as I can back when I am in town, but I have to admit that the week of music fest I STAY HOME!! Way to many people for me ha ha ha. This year with Sammi working at Wal Mart, I will have to brave the crowds driving in our small town. This is a scary thought as last year forgetting that it was Music Fest I went downtown, well I headed that way, I got to the main road going through out small town and cars were lined up in all 4 directions. I was in the left hand turn lane , and thank God we have a light now for that, and I had waited about 4 or 5 lights to finally get to be first in line. While waiting for the light to change the people directly across from me missed a light, why I don't know but he didn't move and the person behind him got out of his car and dragged that other driver out of there car and a fist fight started , right there in the middle of the intersection. Dammed if I was going to miss my light and get beaten up also, so I turned went around them and proceeded to go home with out stopping in town. One more thing as I turned the corner about 3 cars back on the road I was turning onto was a cop car, he was just sitting waiting, weather he knew and didn't care about the fight or hadn't seen it I don't know, Although how he could miss it makes me wonder what was occupying his attention as they were stopping traffic by that time, Ahhh the joys of the "Old West".

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