Monday, July 24, 2006

He did it again!

Well he did it~accepted the job with the log house builders. Without talking to me. ! The last I heard about it he had said no and that was before the wedding. I guess They sweetened the pot, to the hourly wage they offered a while back they also offered , free rent and a company truck & gas. 8 to 10 hour days 5 days a week and he can work all the overtime he wants, or none at all. He said yes!! So I guess we are leaving Ranch life and moving on to something else.
I have yet to tell Sammy, we will have to do something about her horse, find out how much it is to board it or sell it or something. She only has a year before she goes to college so its up to her. I guess she could sell it and add it to her college fund??
I am not sure how I feel, I've moved lots in the past 2 or 3 years, another move or 2 wont kill me but its sure hard to settle in someplace if you are going to move in a year or so. Well its midnight and I don't even have my glasses on so I am not sure what I am typing.. Ill draft this and finish tomorrow I guess.
Well I've had a couple of days now to let it sink in, I'm still not sure how I feel, mostly sad I think, I really liked it here, and will miss it. I guess we are not leaving the area, and maybe we can find a house outside of town somewhere so we don't have to live right down town.
I don't feel like blogging right now, I'll get back to this later

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